
As well as our lead sponsors, there are many other individuals and companies who have given financial support and services. The list is endless, and we would like to thank them all.
Condor - transport partners
Agilisys - laptops
Aztech Centre – venue
Bailiwick Estates – use of Market Square
Bank of Butterfield - Half marathon
BaT Sports - Racquet Stringing Services
Beau Sejour Leisure Centre - venues and team support across sports
Cardiac Action Group - defib training
Channel Seaways - movement of items
Cherry Godfrey - Sailing
Clegg Gifford - Sailing
Collenette Jones - Sailing
Coop – free fruit
Dan Hamon Fabrications - production of water feature
Daniel at CaterLeisure Guernsey limited - refreshments at airport
Dave Dowding Signs - water feature
Digimap - mapping support
Dorey Financial Modelling - Sailing
DW Lloyd - production of water feature
Elizabeth College - transport hub
Ferryspeed - storage and movement of items
GeoMarine - movement of items
Grant Thornton - honorary auditors
GROW limited - tidying of planting areas at Beau Sejour
Guernsey Arts – Digital Arts Open / Poetry Open
Guernsey Museum - Exhibition at Candie
Guernsey Police - permits and assistance
Guernsey Post - stamps and postcards
Health and Social Care - support
Health Improvement Commission – active travel
HS Sports - tracking support
Insurance Corporation – Sailing
Jill Vaudin – pens donation
JGA - Water feature design
Ladies College - Park & Stride space
Le Coin Trophies - medal sourcing and production
Liberate – activities in Market Square
Liberate Guernsey - drop in café at Market Square
Links Communication - communications
Melodonia - provision of TVs and stands
Mont Saint Garage - Basketball
ND Events - Opening Ceremony planning
Oak - Swimming
Orchard PR - Junior reporter programme
Paint Evolution – water feature and medal finishing
Printed in Guernsey - volunteers uniforms, merchandise and printed materials
Profreight - storage and movement of items
Prosperity 24/7 - Office 365 setup, training and support
Rihoy and Son - Sailing
Ron Short Centre - medical centre
Shiloh Church - generous offer of use of Church Hall
SPF Private Clients (CI) Ltd New Street Management - Tennis
Sports Commission – support and youth engagement
Smith Signs - signage
St James – sports bar
St John - training and support at events
Stan Brouard - support with wooden picnic benches
Street Festival – busking acts
Styx Centre - venue
The International Stock Exchange - Sailing
TPA - Website development
University of Central Lancashire UCLan - Medical support
Yonex UK - Badminton
Thank you to all sports and venues involved - we could not do it without you
There are many others to thank and we apologise to anyone we have left off this list. Thank you to all who have offered their help and support.