The Trebert Triple Threat

By junior reporter Rubi Croft

Badminton has etched a special place in the hearts of each Trebert family member. As the long-awaited 2023 Guernsey Natwest International Island Games get underway, three siblings, Jordan, Emily, and David Trebert, are representing Guernsey in badminton.

The 2003 Island Games formed Jordan's bond with badminton, where he witnessed his mother's impressive performance as a competitor while his father guided the team as a coach. Drawing inspiration from their parent's passion, Jordan, Emily and David are now following in their footsteps on their own path to Island Games success.

For each of the siblings, badminton has woven its way into their lives since before they can remember, a thread that binds them together both on and off the court. The sport is a unifying source, enabling them to spend time together and work as a team.

This bond unifies and inspires them, and when asked how they motivate one another, David, the younger sibling, explains that he wants to “meet [Jordan's] level.” He further reveals that his older brother's accomplishments have acted as an incentive for him. With determination, he explains that Jordan “inspires me to be better than I am.”

The Trebert family are fortunate to have their family surrounding them on the court cheering them on and the home crowd of Guernsey supporting them, making their parents proud and fulfilling their childhood dreams.

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